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China's Three Gorges Dam is one of the largest ever created. Was it worth it?
The Three Gorges Dam was designed to tame China's longest river. But this summer's record rains reveal its limited ability to control floods.Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydropower project ever built.When construction began in 1994, it was designed (not only) to generate electricity to propel Chi..
Crowd catches two children as they jump from apartment fire in France in 'heroic' rescue
(CNN)A crowd of people in France saved two children from an apartment fire, catching them as they jumped from the burning building.The rescue of the brothers, aged three and 10, happened on Tuesday, reports CNN affiliate BFM, and was captured in remarkable video footage from a nearby building in Gre..
How airplanes fill up with fuel mid-air
(CNN) — Imagine you're zooming down the highway at 70 miles per hour and the car's fuel gauge is on its way to empty.Just up ahead there's a tanker truck trailing a long hose attached to a basket that's floating a couple of feet above the ground.Approaching the tanker, a probe rises from the c..
A new threat to global trade: Exhausted crews want off cargo ships now
London (CNN Business)Global trade is facing another coronavirus crisis just as economies begin to reopen: 200,000 seafarers stranded for months by port closures and the collapse in long-haul aviation could refuse to keep working.Many seafarers extended their contracts by several months to keep suppl..
World's most expensive cities for expats in 2020 revealed
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(CNN) — Spot the odd one out in this list of global cities: Hong Kong, Zurich, Singapore and... Ashgabat?The Turkmenistan capital might not spring to mind when listing deep-pocket destinations, but Ashgabat is now the world's second most expensive city for overseas workers, according to Mercer..
An American policeman killed George Floyd. Now Europe is re-examining its colonial history
London and Bristol, England (CNN)At an old stone harbor in the English city of Bristol, young people gather at a bent railing by the water and peer into the murky deep. They're looking for the defaced statue of the 17th century slave trader Edward Colston. And just maybe, they're looking at an era g..
George Floyd protests spread nationwide
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In a bizarre four-tweet thread, President Trump thanked the Secret Service for their handling of protests in Lafayette Park Friday night. The President tweeted that the protesters ¡°would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen,¡± had they breached th..
Donald Trump's anti-mask campaign picks up steam
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(CNN)President Donald Trump has never been a big fan of wearing a mask to protect himself -- and others -- from the spread of the coronavirus."I don't think I'm going to be doing it," Trump said of wearing a mask in the April press conference in which he announced the new CDC guidelines making clear..
Chinese ambassador to Israel is found dead in his home
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(CNN)China's Ambassador to Israel, Du Wei, was found dead inside his official residence Sunday morning, a spokeswoman for Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs told CNN.At this stage, the 57-year-old's death is not being treated as suspicious.Police are outside the ambassador's residence in Herzliya ..

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