2025 年 3月 14 日 금요일


본문내용 작성일
The world is beginning to tire of Trump’s whiplash leadership
CNN— Government by chaos is back.One day, President Donald Trump imposed a punishing tariff regime against Canada and Mexico. The next, he froze auto duties for a month after suddenly realizing that – as everyone had predicted – they could wreck a quintessential American indus..
Trump freezes aid to South Africa over controversial land law, claiming discrimination against White
CNN— US President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday aimed at freezing assistance to South Africa over a controversial law that allows the government to seize farmland from ethnic minorities — namely White farmers — without compensation, as well as the country’s stance ..
Osaka bans public smoking ahead of Expo 2025
米 旅客機と軍ヘリが衝突「残念ながら生存者いない

CNN— One of Japan’s biggest cities is “beautifying” itself ahead of hosting the World Expo — not by planting flowers, but by banning cigarettes.Osaka will soon host Expo 2025, which runs from April to October, with representatives from 158 countries and regions participating in talks,..
韓国 逮捕のユン大統領 取り調べ拒否 支持者 警察と小競り合い
2025年1月19日 18時49分 内乱を首謀した疑いなどで逮捕された韓国のユン・ソンニョル(尹錫悦)大統領は、拘置所からコメントを出し「司法手続きで最善を尽くし間違いを正す」としたうえで、合同捜査本部の19日の取り調べを拒否しました。一方、逮捕に反発する大統領..
The world’s most punctual airlines for 2024
CNN— It may not come as a surprise to anyone who has gone on vacation this year, but the United Nations has made it official: global tourism returned to pre-pandemic levels in 2024.Amid stowaway passengers, creative efforts in the field of attempted contraband smuggling, and other aviation dra..
South Korean parliament votes to impeach acting president Han Duck-soo
韓国 大統領代行 ハン

CNN—South Korea’s parliament voted to impeach prime minister and acting president Han Duck-soo on Friday, less than two weeks after parliament stripped President Yoon Suk Yeol of his powers over his short-lived martial law order that plunged the country into political chaos.The main oppositio..
South Korea president set to survive impeachment after governing lawmakers boycott vote
CNN— South Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol is set to survive an impeachment vote against him after government party lawmakers boycotted parliament on Saturday.A number of lawmakers left parliament ahead of the vote to impeach President Yoon over his decision to impose a short-lived period of ..
The troubled history of martial law, coups and toppled presidents many hoped South Korea had left be
CNN— Last year, a blockbuster movie gripped South Korea with a dramatization of a painful memory from its authoritarian past, when the assassination of President Park Chung-hee in 1979 led to a military coup and plunged the country into the iron grip of martial law.So when South Koreans watche..
South Korean president lifts martial law order after backlash
South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law in an unannounced late-night TV address, accusing the country’s main opposition party of sympathizing with North Korea and anti-state activities.Yoon did not say what measures would be taken. He cited a motion by the opposition Democratic Pa..
日本の自動車 10月の中国での販売台数 5社すべて去年下回る
2024年11月28日 18時08分 日本の主な自動車メーカーが10月、中国で販売した台数は現地で販売を行う5社すべてで去年の同じ月を下回りました。EV=電気自動車の需要の高まりで、ガソリン車が主体の日本メーカーの苦戦が続いています。日本の主な自動..

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